Legal notice

Treo - Labor für Umweltsimulation GmbH
Tempowerkring 19
21079 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)40 709 73 76 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)40 709 73 76 - 25

Managing Director: Dr. Hanno Frömming
Plant Location (Hamburg) - Environmental Simulation:
Tempowerkring 19
21079 Hamburg
Phone: +49 (0)40 709 73 76 - 0

Plant Location (Neumünster) - EMC-Laboratory:
Donaubogen 5
24539 Neumünster
Telefon: + 49 (0)4321 965 32 - 35

Court of Registry: Amtsgericht Hamburg
Company Registration Number: HRB 109083
VAT Registration Number according to § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz (Value Added Tax Act): DE 269130109

Photo material:
© france68 | 123RF
© Smileus | Fotolia
© Misha | Fotolia 
© alnilam | iStock
© Nataliya Hora | Adobe Stock
© U. J. Alexander | Adobe Stock
© Lars Meyer
© Proxima Studio | Adobe Stock
© aanbetta | Adobe Stock
© He2 | Adobe Stock
© Jan Engel | Adobe Stock
© Daveido | Adobe Stock

Legal notice:
All information presented on our website has been carefully researched and checked. The information is a service provided by our company. Neither TREO Labor für Umweltsimulation GmbH nor its suppliers accept any liability for the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of this information. The information provided to the visitors of this online service is for reference purposes only. Furthermore the liability is restricted to willful intent and gross negligence. Responsible for third party websites to which TREO Labor für Umweltsimulation GmbH is referring by hyperlink are the respective owners of those websites. TREO Labor für Umweltsimulation GmbH is not responsible for the content of such third party websites.

In addition, third party websites may have set up hyperlinks to the website of TREO Labor für Umweltsimulation GmbH without TREO's knowledge. TREO Labor für Umweltsimulation GmbH does not accept any responsibility for the presentation and content of third party websites nor for any connection between them and TREO Labor für Umweltsimulation GmbH.

Moreover, TREO Labor für Umweltsimulation GmbH reserves the right to make changes or additions to the provided information without notice. Content and structure of the website operated by TREO Labor für Umweltsimulation GmbH are protected by copyright. The reproduction of content or data, particularly the use of texts or parts thereof as well as the use of images, requires the prior written permission from TREO Labor für Umweltsimulation GmbH.