Are you developing a new product or would like to further develop an existing one?
Would you like to identify potential problems as early as possible?
Do you want your product to be ready for the market as quickly as possible?
Then our SPRINT test is perfect for you!
Individual test programs that accompany the development process reveal weak points in your product in a fraction of the time usually estimated for this.
More often than not, developing a new product requires a lot of time and money. At the same time, global markets are pushing for fast and efficient product development cycles. This makes it all the more annoying when the final tests – and thus the market readiness – fail because of a problem that you could have solved at the beginning of the development phase.
A predictive approach in the initial phase of a project makes early findings possible. This means that you can find and implement solutions at an early stage in the product development, saving you considerable development costs and time.
This is the point where Treo comes into play. Many of our successful customers are already making use of the possibilities our laboratories offer in order to carry out tests that accompany the development process. Based on our many years of experience, we have now developed test programs that accompany the development process and reduce the critical elements of an extensive test program to a fraction of the usually estimated time.
Whether MIL-STD, DO-160 or type examination programs of the classification societies, each test program has its own pitfalls. Taking into account your individual concerns and our experience, we select the relevant tests and use them to create your personal SPRINT.

We are happy to create your individual SPRINT.
Contact us!
Lars Meyer, Sales
Telephone: +49 (0)174 87 95 612
Knowing what is possible right from the start with our SPRINT test
Do you jump into cold water right away?
Or do you test the water temperature with your big toe beforehand?
Thanks to SPRINT, you no longer need a big toe for testing. Instead, do it like so many of your successful colleagues and use our experts' many years of experience to save time and money in the development process.
Your benefits:
- quick results in a short time
- cost savings through early elimination of weak points
- higher chance of passing approval tests the first time
- quick market entry and optimal utilization of the product life cycle
- a strong, experienced partner at your side

Once you and your test object have successfully passed our SPRINT test, you know of any weak points and can further optimize your product.
Upon request, we will continue to support you in the development process as a partner until your product is ready for the market. This has advantages for both of us: you get to know the testing requirements at an early stage and can incorporate them into your development process; and at the same time, we get to know your product, which simplifies the processes in the laboratory. This enables both of us to better estimate and plan the amount of time required.
You want the development of your products to go as smoothly as possible and to bring them to market-readiness quickly and safely. We will support you in ensuring that this happens successfully and that you are prepared so that your product passes all the necessary tests without delays the first time.
Please do not hesitate to contact us! Based on your specifications, we will then create an individual SPRINT with a defined time frame for you.
We look forward to getting to know you and your products – right from the start!